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Signed in as:
If you are currently experiencing a medical or mental health emergency in the United States, call 911 immediately. If you are outside the US, locate and dial your location's emergency contact number.
If you are currently experiencing suicidal thoughts or self-harming behaviors in the United States, call or text 988 immediately to connect with the Suicide & Crisis Lifeline. If you are outside the US, locate and dial your location's emergency contact numbers.
If you need non-emergency medical care, medical advice, or mental health evaluation or counseling, you must locate and contact a qualified, licensed provider for the treatment you need. I, Dyrk Hamilton, am NOT a medical or mental health treatment provider.
It is important that all clients, customers, and visitors to my website clearly understand the types of services and products I offer. First and foremost, I am NOT a medical or mental health service provider. Additionally, I am NOT a referral source for medical or mental health services.
All information, products and services provided by me, Dyrk Hamilton, are intended for individual learning purposes and personal skills development only. Products and services are NOT to be used as, confused with, or substituted for medical advice, mental health counseling, or patient treatment of any kind.
I urge all clients, customers, and website visitors to seek and obtain appropriate medical advice, medical care, and mental health treatment through qualified, licensed, professional agencies and providers.
A lot of time, effort, and financial investment goes into the creation and maintenance of any reputable business and website. Just as the protection of your privacy is important to me and my business, so is the protection of my hard work and livelihood. Please, read the Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions before accessing the Dyrk Hamilton website and/or securing products and services.
Thank you for taking the time to read through the information. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me and I'll do my best to provide greater clarity.